This video describes the work we do and the Accelerated Materials Development Programme:
The rational design of functional materials is typically a complicated process, as the materials space is vast and unexplored. Data-driven approaches via Machine Learning and high-throughput automated experiments provide new knobs to navigate these complex parameter spaces, accelerating materials discovery.
In our lab, we aspire to understand fundamental heat and charge transport from the nanoscale to the bulk, building from nanowires, two-dimensional materials, hybrid and bulk materials. In particular, we are interested in interactions between electrons, phonons and photons in nanoscale materials and how these can be manipulated to design and create novel functional devices, specifically for renewable energy technologies such as thermoelectrics, PV and thermo-photovoltaics.
We are uniquely positioned to combine the data-driven methodology with deep domain expertise towards materials-by-design.

High Throughput Experiments
Design of Experiments
Automation and Robotics
Machine Learning
Editorial Board Member:
Digital Discovery Journal

Digital Discovery welcomes both experimental and computational work on all topics related to the acceleration of discovery such as screening, robotics, databases and advanced data analytics, broadly defined, but anchored in chemistry.​

Nanocrystal Arrays
Conducting & Coordination Polymers
16 Dec 2017, Shadow Mask technique to measure thermoelectric powerfactor of thin films. Editor's Pick! Published in Review of Scientific Instruments
15 Dec 2017, Pressure dependence of resistivity and magnetic properties in a Mn1.9Cr0.1Sb alloy. Maheswar's work: Cover page Feature! in AIP Advances
03 Mar 2017, High Thermoelectric Powerfactor in 2D MoS2​. Published in Physical Review B
25 Aug 2017, Ultralow Thermal Conductivity of Single-Crystalline Porous Silicon Nanowires. Published in Advanced Functional Materials
23 June 2017, 2nd International Hybrid (Inorganic-Organic). Thermoelectric Workshop in IMRE
18-23 June 2017, Our group presents at ICMAT, Singapore!
31 May 2017, Effect of dimensionality on thermoelectric powerfactor of molybdenum disulfide. Published in Journal of Applied Physics
06 Mar 2017, Thermal Conductance of the 2D MoS2/h-BN and graphene/h-BN Interfaces​. Published in Scientific Reports
03 Mar 2017, High Thermoelectric Powerfactor in 2D MoS2​. Published in Physical Review B
21 Feb 2017, Remembering Millie Dresselhaus. Thank you, Millie! You opened up a whole new world to us!
18-23 June 2017, ICMAT: 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies. Symposium DD: Advanced Materials for Thermoelectrics
27 Jan 2017, Anomalously low electronic thermal conductivity in metallic vanadium dioxide. Published in Science. Featured in: LBL News, Forbes, Indian Express, Materials Today