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Maheswar and co-authors found superconductivity in new, pure 2D 1T′-WS2

April 2021: Nature Materials

New and pure metastable 1T′-phase transition metal dichalcogenide 2D crystals are discovered, and their electrical transport properties are published in Nature Materials. The collaborators, Prof. Zhang Hua’s research group, succeeded in synthesizing highly pure metastable semi-metallic 2D layered materials by a newly developed closed-system gas-solid method. The purity of phase in these crystals is key, as it enables very high intrinsic carrier concentrations. The IMRE team, Maheswar and Kedar, elucidated the physics behind topological 2D superconductivity with parallel and perpendicular magnetic field measurements, by performing thickness dependent electrical transport which revealed the key features. These semi-metallic 2D materials hold promise for future low-power efficient energy harvesting and low-power spintronic devices.

Figure: (a) SEM image of 1T′-WS2 crystals, (b) Fast Fourier transform filtered HAADF-STEM image (first half) and Simulated 1T′-WS2 structure (second half), (c) Superconducting transition 1T′-WS2 devices with different thicknesses


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Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University

Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore

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