Topic: Materials and Molecular Modeling, Imaging, Informatics and Integration.
Speaker: Prof. Seungbum Hong from Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST, Korea

We’re super delighted to announce our next speaker, Prof. Seungbum Hong from Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST, Korea, to bring us:
“Materials and Molecular Modeling, Imaging, Informatics and Integration”
M3I3 is an algorithm to perform a reverse engineering of future materials. Fast followers usually copy the first movers’ products by reverse engineering them. For example, in case of the state-of-the-art battery products, the competitors dissect them into pieces and analyze the structure and composition of each part such as cathode, anode, electrolyte and separator. This so called “reverse engineering” is the cheapest way to catch up with the forefront runners in the ever-expanding competing world. For the front-runners, they also need a way to defend themselves and aggressively keep the distance from their competitors, and that’s why they invest a huge amount of resources into research and development of new materials, devices, systems and platforms, and file patents all over the world. M3I3 provides a means to achieve this goal effectively by mimicking “reverse engineering” strategy with a higher level of creativity. M3I3 reverse engineers future materials of interest with superior performance and reliability as well as with minimum cost and environmental impact.
How is this possible? Reverse engineering starts from analyzing the structure and composition of the cutting-edge materials or products. Once we determine the performance of our targeted future materials, we need to know the candidate structure and composition of the future materials. This knowledge can only be available if we know the structure-property or the property-structure relationship of all materials and molecules at all scales. High-quality multi-scale and multi-dimensional experimental data will the key to the success of our approach. But there are critical challenges such as collecting and analyzing those data with consistency. We hope to address those challenges and form a clearer idea for our future direction.
Prof. Seungbum Hong is currently a professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at KAIST, Republic of Korea. He has received many honours and awards including Frontier Award, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (2007), Young Investigator Outstanding Achievement Award, International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (2008), Frontier Scientist (Physics), The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) (2014), Grand Prize for Learning & Teaching Innovation Awards (이수영 교수학습혁신대상), KAIST (2020), and KCA Excellent Expert Awards (KCA 우수전문인 어워즈), Korea Customer Appraisal (KCA), (2021). He has attended more than 190 conferences, published 160 papers and 5 books. The number of patent with his name currently stands at 79. His main research area of accomplishments includes energy harvesting, nanostructures, microscopy and much more.
Very much looking forward to the seminar – hope to see you all on Wednesday: (SGT) 9am, Wed, 13 October!