It has been an experimental challenge to show that electronic confinement is actually better for thermoelectrics. In our work published in Physical Review B (Jan 2017), we showed that high powerfactors are indeed possible in semiconducting 2D MoS2. In that work, we didn't analyze in detail what the exact benefits of 2D over 3D are.
In this work, Hong Kuan presents that two-dimensional (2D) bilayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) does indeed exhibit an enhanced Seebeck coefficient over its three-dimensional (3D) counterpart arising from dimensionality confinement. In this work, he extensively studies the Seebeck coefficient, S, the electrical conductivity, σ, and the thermoelectric powerfactor, S2σ of 2D monolayer and bilayer MoS2 using theoretical Boltzmann Transport Equation calculations and compares the results to well-characterized experimental data. We concluded that dimensional confinement indeed gives a Seebeck coefficient by up to ∼50% larger in 2D bilayer MoS2 over 3D MoS2 under similar doping concentrations because of the discretization of density of states. We also consider electrical conductivity with various energy-dependent scattering rates considering charged-impurities and acoustic phonon mediated scattering, and comment on a theoretical comparison of the powerfactor to the best-case scenario for 3D MoS2. More details can be found here.
Hopefully in the future, we can measure highly doped bulk (3D) MoS2 samples that can corroborate our estimations...